Hard work
Yesterday was hard work. The weather was horrible for driving 400 miles. Mum said she couldn’t see all that well for all the spray and the traffic. I couldn’t see much out of the back window either. The car is now as dirty as it was before she washed it and could do with being washed again. The conditions meant we couldn’t go so fast and we got delayed due to accidents on the road ahead of us. By the last 30 miles Mum had had enough. “Talk to me, Wilma.” Well, that’s all very well, but as soon as someone tells you to talk to them you have absolutely no idea what to say at all. In the end she talked to herself, giving a running commentary of what she was doing just to stay focussed. I was probably even more glad to get out of the car at the end of the day than she was.
Just to cheer her up, her mobile phone that means she can ring Dad cheaply stopped working and the wifi in the hotel wouldn’t work either. Looking on the bright side, at least she didn’t want to go to the restaurant. It’s not that I begrudge her eating steak, it’s just that I have to sit really quietly and am not allowed to wander round. If we’re in the bedroom at least I can stretch a bit and get a drink when I want one.
Well, we’re hoping that today is a bit better than yesterday. For one thing we don’t have to drive quite so far. However the weather is not going to be much nicer, so I think Mum may decide not to spend the whole day on motorways. We’ll both be happy to actually get there and see Dad.