On My Way Home
Well I’m on my way home. I’ll be there soon Mama. Are you ready for me? Please tell me there’s going to be snow. I so want to play in it and take Mum for a snowy walk. She has told me that her weather app on the phones says we should have some, but I’m not sure I believe her.
We were ready quite quickly yesterday. I think Mum is getting better at packing the car. One thing that is really sad is that the roads are so dirty that you really can’t tell that she bothered to wash the car at all. Anyway, I checked she’d put all the important things in and only really relaxed after I’d made sure my food, Bonios, bed, pillow and water were in.
Mum seemed more concerned about her new torch, but that’s humans for you.
Now I don’t know what November is like where you are, but it’s Mum’s least favourite month. She says it’s just too grey in England in November and if I’m honest I can really see what she means. Half the time it just doesn’t seem to bother getting completely light. Solar energy might work for some countries, but England in November is not one of them.
Yesterday’s drive was completely dismal. There was drizzle and spray off the road and general greyness. However, it’s my nature to look for the positives and the good thing driving south is that our days will be longer daylight than we were getting at home. Even if it is more grey daylight. By the time we get to Switzerland we’ll be getting a whole hour a day more than at home and that difference gets greater over the next month. I can really see why birds fly south.
Yes, of course we’re ready for you! If all goes we’ll meet on Friday, won’t we?
But don’t expect to see much snow here. Or go up to the mountains – there’s more snow there than you’ll ever need.
Looking forward to seeing you again.
Susi and Valeria.
Dear Mama
I don’t think we will be going up very high into the mountains so the snow is going to have to come to us. See you very soon
Your devoted daughter