Scary Sister Flashback – Friday 22nd November 2019

Scary Sister flashback

Before I bring you Alfie’s Scary Sister Flashback, the exciting news of the week is that the winter tyres are now on the car. We’re ready to go. I am almost bouncing with excitement. Mind you, to be fair, Mum is pretty excited too. She’s glad that Alfie seems quite well at the moment as it does make it easier having to leave him behind.

I rather liked this that Alfie wrote in 2007. It’s nice to think that his scary sister has made it to fourteen as well, but a shame he couldn’t have seen more of his other littermates as they all grew older.

Scary sister

My sister is scary. You may think the same about your sister but I’m sure mine is scarier. There is only one of my sisters that scares me and that is the one that lives with my mum. She had a bit of a go at me yesterday and I accidentally ran into some barbed wire. Now you can call me a wimp if you like but I asked my mistress if I could go back onto my lead and stay close by her and my master for safety. It is much easier to be brave when you are hiding behind someone. I did whimper a bit about the barbed wire but to be honest it only grazed the skin. It got me lots of attention though, which was the important thing.

It was good to have my master around in the evening as it meant we sat before a roaring log fire. It probably wasn’t a very environmentally friendly thing to do, particularly seeing as it wasn’t very cold but it certainly made my environment feel very friendly. Despite my scary sister I did have a lovely time and my mistress has promised that she will bring me back to visit when we move to England. I’d rather like to see my other sisters and my brother too.

It was funny reading this from 2010. When I arrived, Shadow invited me to take over as top dog. I think I should probably feel honoured now I’ve read this.

Top Dog

I think we might have some top dog issues. If I’m not very much mistaken Megan is fed up with how Shadow treats her and is starting to stand up for herself. I just want a quiet life and want them to sort it all out amicably. I’ve offered for them to sit down together and me be their mediator but they are too busy have a stand off to want to be reasonable. I really don’t approve of all this angst. I’m your quiet roll over and let them win sort of dog. Arguments never achieve anything worthwhile. However, all that said I am backing Megan and hoping that she will finally put Shadow in her place so we can all have some peace and quiet.

Well, that’s all from me. Have a wonderful Friday.

