So much rain – Wednesday 25th September 2019

So much rain

There was so much rain yesterday I could probably have swum to the swimming pool never mind going by car. Anyway, go I did but I wasn’t keen on the prospect. Our Mistress didn’t help matters by dropping my towel in a puddle when she got out of the car. Fortunately they keep some spare ones at swimming as mine was both wet and filthy and not fit to use.

Shadow had her swim first. I was supposed to go in first but I did that whole lie down very solidly thing that makes us pretty much unmoveable. I relaxed a little bit while Shadow was in the pool, but I have to say I still didn’t want to get in when it was my turn. Our Mistress started discussing that it would be my last session if it didn’t work out but then she was saying she was really worried about my mobility if I didn’t give it a go. What could I do?


I did get in and I did swim, but I’d only done a few lengths when I started to feel a little panicky. Then I got out and had a rest and a cuddle before agreeing to give it another little go. It was only another couple of lengths before I got out again. I know I used to be water-phobic years ago, but I really had got over that so I don’t know why I’m not coping anymore. I felt quite sad really. Our Mistress was very understanding and snuggled me into my dressing gown to take me home. I felt exhausted.

Shadow is a good dog

Shadow, despite all her annoying tendencies, and they are many, really can be a very caring little dog. She was concerned about me in the pool yesterday and doing her best to encourage me. She has also developed the very annoying tendency to get into my bed with me. I’m not big on sharing a bed and I know she’s just trying to comfort me, but I sleep better on my own. Mind you, the point where Wilma asked if there was room for her too really was just too much.

“Is there room for me?”
