Friday Flashback – Friday 5th July 2019

Friday Flashback

Before I get into Friday Flashback, I’m sure you’d like to know that Alfie is coping with sleeping downstairs rather better than Mum is dealing with it. She’s got a camera set up and the baby monitor, so she can both listen for any movement and then look in on him if she’s concerned. When she has looked in, for the most part he has been curled up in his bed and not apparently unhappy with the new arrangement. I’m sure we’ll all get used to it, but it does seem a bit odd at the moment.

Oh dear I found this from 2008 when Alfie was feeling a little left out. He doesn’t mind kennels so much now that we all go together.

Being left out – 2008

My own fault I suppose. There I am, me and my big mouth, saying that being in kennels wasn’t too bad and I did quite like being around other dogs and then the next thing I know I’m back again contemplating the same little patch of blue or grey depending on the weather conditions.

Oh I remonstrated with my Mistress when she packed my things up yesterday. I tried to make her feel guilty for going to Granny’s 75th birthday party without me. I looked up at her with my big brown eyes, glistening with tears, my bottom lip quivering and I said “What do you mean I’m not included?” If nothing else it made her feel bad and she sat down with me and gave me a big cuddle. But explaining to me that dogs couldn’t go to the restaurant, was hardly going to make me feel better about the whole thing.

Dog Training

She has promised to get me home in time for dog training. It may be that I can use dog training to get my message over more effectively. If I’m left to spend too long with other dogs, she can’t reasonably expect me to follow human commands at the drop of a hat. Sadly, I’m so shallow that I may inadvertently do what she wants at the drop of a dog biscuit, but not a hat.

Meanwhile diets seem to be a bit of a theme in our family. Alfie did make me laugh talking about his diet changing back in 2016. It doesn’t seem to have done him any harm.

New Food – 2016

Now she’s tried this before and I wasn’t impressed then and I don’t suppose I’m going to be impressed now. Our Mistress is moving me onto ‘senior’ dog food. I’d have liked to think that the term ‘senior’ was a mark of respect, but regrettably it’s just the nice way of saying I’m past it, whatever ‘it’ was! This time Shadow is going onto senior food with me so that we can console each other. Oh, yes, I’m sure it’s got lots of extra things in it that are good for my joints but I resent the description of being ‘less active’. I was never that active in the first place so it would be difficult to be much less active. Apparently it also contains something that will help me lose fat! Now, just correct me if I’m wrong but it that part is so effective then there’d be a fair few humans eating it by now.

Alfie on 5th July 2016

Losing weight

Ok, so I have managed to lose a kilogram while on the ‘light’ food I was eating up but I’ve also been perpetually hungry and tried demanding meals at all hours of the day and night. I’m not taking this lying down… ok, I might be lying down but I won’t take it quietly. Last time our Mistress tried this I started raiding the bin in protest and I’m not above a bit of protest bin raiding just because I’m three and a half years older. Sometimes it’s important to fight for what you need and I need food! Good old high protein, energy giving, fattening food. With having lost some weight you can see just how bad the lump on my shoulder is and I don’t like it.

I don’t suppose I’m going to get a lot of support out of Shadow. She’s never been that food driven and besides she’s been saying she wants to improve her waistline in time for Crufts. That’s girls for you.

Well that really is all from me. There is sunshine to enjoy and I’m off to look for it.

