Diving – Wednesday 26th June 2019


Shadow tried diving yesterday. I really have to say how very impressed I was. She was just having a normal swim when the toy she likes chasing up and down the pool, suddenly started to sink to the bottom of the pool. At the best of times, Shadow is a very determined little dog. She didn’t wait for someone to sort the problem out for her, she just dived below the surface to rescue it and then came back up. Both our Mistress and our hydrotherapist were a bit concerned and very surprised. They wanted her to have a rest at the end to check she hadn’t swallowed any water. Shadow simply laughed and carried on swimming. What a girl. She was absolutely fine and had her toy to prove it.

It’s not a move I fancy trying, but I did have a good swim in my own way, which was essentially on the surface. I was quite relaxed and happy to be there, which always helps.

Tired dogs

The one thing we all find with going into kennels is that we are rather tired for a day or two when we get home. Wilma was funniest yesterday, as she could barely keep her eyes open. Mind you, the dull miserable weather makes us all feel a bit like that too. I suppose our Mistress having kept us up most of the night before as she wasn’t well, probably added to it. I stayed in bed, but Wilma is always up and ready to help if she’s needed. As it was, our Mistress explained there was nothing Wilma could do to help, but that didn’t stop Wilma waiting quietly in case the situation changed.


Now, if the weather forecast is right we might see some sunshine every day for a few days. That hasn’t happened around here for some time so we’re all hoping it’s true. Cross your paws.
