How many bread rolls? – Saturday 22nd June 2019

How many bread rolls?

How many bread rolls does one person need to buy? In our Mistress’s case it seems the answer is quite a lot! Oh she says they aren’t all for her, but I sometimes wonder. She has had the good sense to put everything out of our reach, although to be frank it wasn’t the bread rolls I wanted to get my paws on. I’m more of a strawberry sort of dog myself. Mind you, you could probably have guessed that from my apple tree incident this week. If there is an apple tree with fruit at a low level I’m going to take the branches off to get to it! How can that come as a surprise? So the fruit isn’t ripe and the branches tasted nicer than the fruit itself, but I wasn’t to know that at the time. Ok, Wilma told me that was the case last year, but I thought she was only saying that to keep it all to herself.

I may need to confess to destroying eight runner bean plants too. I think our Mistress has worked out it was me. She said something about the mud on my nose and paws being a bit of a giveaway. It’s a good job she loves me.

What is normal?

There I was asking our Mistress when life would get back to normal and she said that the chaos we live in is normal for us. I found myself trying to remember if it’s always been this way. I do think it’s more chaotic than it was when I was a puppy. I said that to Shadow and she just laughed. She pointed out that at least we don’t have to factor in her trips to mate with stud dogs, which we never could predict and then looking after puppies. Maybe I just crave a quiet life where the same things happen every day and the same people are in the house each night. I’m a simple dog and I think a bit of calm might be good for a while. Wilma thrives on chaos, but me? – not so much.

Have a quiet Saturday
