All about me – Monday 10th June 2019

All about me

I’ve had a few precious hours that were all about me. I guess I can understand if the other dogs are jealous. I’m going to try to be really nice to them today as a consequence. It’s just that yesterday Mum wanted to have some time for a bit of rest and relaxation, so when she got back from Granny and Grandpa’s she collected me from kennels so we could have a bit of ‘mother daughter’ time. Ok, I know I’m a dog, but that’s how it is between us. I’m her child substitute and I’m not complaining. I was just as pleased to see her as she was to see me and I managed to scratch her arm in showing my enthusiasm.

Wet walk

We picked the only wet hour of the day to go for a good long walk together. I was pleased that we’ve moved onto a new book to listen to as I wasn’t enjoying the last one so much. It was too complicated for me to understand what was going on, but Mum enjoyed it. Anyway, this is a much simpler story and there’s a dog in it, which is always a good sign. When it started raining I did turn to her to check she didn’t want to go home, but thankfully she said that she could always dry out later. There was one bit where I got the scent of some wildlife and very nearly pulled her over, but she did manage to run a little way until she got control of her feet again.

The best bit

The best bit was the evening. We sat in our new chair for ages. Just Mum and me snuggled up. Oh it was wonderful. She’s bought a cover to go over the chair so I don’t damage it and it’s a lovely soft cotton one that we both really like. She was happy to read a magazine and doze a little. I was happy just snuggled right in to her napping quietly. Well, quietly except the odd snore but a girl can’t help things like that. Then we had an early night so we could be up bright and early today to go to collect the others. You know, I do realise I’m a lucky dog and I try to make the most of it. Days like that are the best ones though and I wouldn’t mind if we had some more.

Have a lovely Monday
