Curcupet K9 – Thursday 25th April 2019

Curcupet K9

I want to tell you about Curcupet K9. The lovely people at Future You read that I was having problems with my back legs and said they’d like me to try their supplement. It’s a turmeric supplement produced in a way that makes it very easy for my body to digest. Now, given how bad my legs were doing I was very sceptical, but I’d got nothing to lose. I did have a physio session at the same time so some of the improvement may be down to what our Mistress is doing with that, but there is a very definite correlation between when I have the Curcupet K9 tablets and when my legs are good. We’ve done a couple of tests of taking it for a few days and then leaving it off, with everything else staying the same.

I should just point out they didn’t ask me to write this or pay me to do that, they were simply so convinced the tablets would help that they sent them to me with no strings attached. (It would be very odd to attach strings to tablets!)


Anyway, taking them regularly I can manage the stairs. I don’t doubt my legs may get worse again over time, but this means I can carry on sleeping upstairs and that is such good news. I’m so happy with them that I have now subscribed to buy them on repeat orders so that I never run out. Shadow and Ari are both asking if they can have them too, but our Mistress has said they seem to be doing ok as they are so not at the moment. To be honest if Shadow jumped around any more than she does now she’d drive us all bonkers.

Anyway, I just thought you’d like to know and some of you may want to try them for yourselves. Our test shows you do need to take them every day, not just occasionally, to feel the benefit.

Have a great day



  1. I have just received my order of curcapet k9 tablets for my dog. She has a very sensitive digestive system . Will this inflame her gut at all ???

    • I had a bit of an upset tummy when I started, so our Mistress cut me down to one a day to get used to them. I’ve been fine since. Shadow has a sensitive tummy and hasn’t had any problems.

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