Physio Day – Tuesday 16th April 2019

Physio Day

Today is physio day. It will be the first time I’ve ever had physio so I’m a little worried. Ari has tried to reassure me that when he had some as a puppy it wasn’t too bad, but that’s a long time ago and I don’t know how much he really remembers. I’m also worried because I don’t always cope with new people, so I’m a bit on edge worrying in case I don’t take to her. Our Mistress says I’ll be fine, but you just never can tell.

I’ve been trying very hard to work with our Mistress to exercise in the garden. I did four laps of the garden at the weekend but only managed three yesterday. It wasn’t that I couldn’t. I just didn’t want to. Our Mistress has been trying to entice me with biscuits, but to be honest it just doesn’t cut it. Steak I would follow her for. She really needs to up her game.


Life is confusing enough when you have dementia but I didn’t stand much chance of working out what was going on yesterday. Our Mistress had to give me my tea early because she had to go out at completely the wrong time. By the time she came home it was understandable I should be saying she hadn’t fed me and I really really wanted my tea. For the record, in that situation, the correct response on her part would have been to play along and feed me again. Shadow totally agreed with that as the best solution. Instead of which, our Mistress simply explained very gently that I had already eaten and told Shadow to be quiet – how rude!

Lie In

For some reason our Mistress seems to have gone back to bed this morning. She said something about being a bit fed up with how early I got her up this morning. I was still trying to think of a reply when Shadow pointed out that if she’d given us more food yesterday as we’d asked her too, we wouldn’t have needed our breakfast so early!

Have a great Tuesday



    • If there’s squeezy cheese it will be worth it. You know if they don’t bring squeezy cheese I’m going to be upset now, don’t you?
      If it were Ari he’d demand squeezy cheese but I’ve never been that assertive.

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