Rest Day – Sunday 10th March 2019

Rest Day

Boy, did I ever need yesterday to be a rest day. I was exhausted. All the travelling and excitement really caught up with me and I was out like a light when I went to bed and probably would have stayed there all day if Mum hadn’t made me get up. I did find my favourite chair again after breakfast and carry on where I’d left off. I get so used to Mum and I being together all the time that when she has to go out for the first time when we’re home I get a bit upset. To be fair, she wasn’t thrilled to be leaving me behind either but she had to go to give a talk, so it couldn’t be helped. She was only out for three hours, but it felt like an awfully long time as I sat counting it off on my paws.

Girls night

When Mum did get back, because it was only the two of us we took the opportunity for a girls night. Mum put her pyjamas on and we snuggled up for the whole evening. Of course, I’m looking forward to seeing the others later today, but I do so love it when it’s just Mum and me. Dad says she’s as bad as I am and I guess I do see what he means, but we’re happy as we are, mutually dependent on each other.

Promising to be good

Mum has made me promise to be good later and understand she needs to give some special time to each of the others. They will all have missed her, so I know she has to do it but I’d rather be part of it. By bedtime I will be more than ready to climb into bed with her and cuddle up for the night. I may be just ever so slightly spoiled!

