Home Again
Well here I am, home again. I know it’s cheating when you have more than one home, but really as I was born here this is probably my real home. I think this is where I’m happiest if I’m being honest. I do miss the others, but you can’t always have everything. Today is going to be a very Wilma sort of a day. I’m getting to show Mum’s friend my very favourite
places. We are going to walk the circuit from our house and then go to the Raten Pass and to Gottschalkenberg. What more could any dog want? Oh there was that bit of steak at tea last night, that was pretty good too.
What is this trip about?
Now I’ve told you a little bit about this trip. A lovely lady called Sue Moorcroft is researching her next year’s Christmas book. If you haven’t read any of her books yet, this one is her latest ‘A Christmas Gift’ and Mum and I listened to it together a few weeks ago and it really is very good. What is exciting is that if you follow my travels this week then when her Christmas book comes out next year you will be able to read it and say ‘I know where that is!’ It really is very exciting to be part of it.
Tonight we’re going to see the ice rink in Unterägeri and then go to see a parade. If you want to find out about the parade then it’s all HERE. It’s in German but I think the internet can translate it for you. I asked if I could take part in the parade but unfortunately I think you have to be here to practice before you’re allowed to. Maybe next year. I’ve asked if I can try the ice rink too, but no one really seems to think that’s a good idea except Mum, who has brought her skates with her.
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