Getting Excited
We’re all getting very excited as Dad is coming home next weekend. I know it’s not long since I saw him but for the others it’s been longer. It’s going to be a busy few days but I’m sure there will be some walking time and lots of cuddling time. It also gives us all a break from the insanity of living with Mum. She’s got her Christmas jumpers out and says she will now be wearing them every day until Christmas. Even as a dog who likes Christmas, I’d say that’s a bit much. She even bought another one yesterday. This one has a penguin on. She has bought it to look festive at a Christmas market she has a stall at next Saturday. Why she could not have looked festive in one of her others is wasted on me!
Christmas Cards
In a moment of, as it turns out, insanity, Mum decided to make their Christmas cards this year. There have been several flaws in the plan. Her reason for doing it was because the ones she buys never seem the right size to fit her Christmas letter into. This year is different. As it turns out, very different. First the paper she got was too thick to go through the printer. Second she couldn’t work out which way round to put the paper in to print them correctly. Finally, she’s not really sure that they have come out ok. They are however hers and so she will send them to all her friends. On the bright side, her friends know her well enough to expect the unexpected and just put it down to her usual eccentricities.
Alfie’s Dementia
In the meantime, Alfie’s dementia isn’t so good. It’s really hard for all of us when he just has a day barking. We know we’re not supposed to join in all the time, but it’s hard. Mum is really hoping he will settle down again soon.
That’s all for now
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind All site content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission.
Can you remind your Mum it is still only November. I am sure her Christmas jumpers are quite wonderful, but …
In the meantime, enjoy Dad’s visit.
She has stuck her fingers in her ears and says she’s not listening! I tried. We’d welcome other suggestions. She’s nuts!