Friday flashback
It’s Friday flashback and I’m using it to cheer myself up. It’s so cold and miserable back here in England. As if that’s not bad enough, Mum has booked me in for a blood test next week. Because of the whole Brexit thing and the fact we are travelling almost as soon as it has happened, she doesn’t want to risk not having all the right paperwork in place. I said, “Can’t we just wait and see?” but apparently if I don’t have the blood test by soon there might not be time for everything to be on my passport in time. I think Ari is going to write it all up again to let you know what’s happening. He says if you’ve got any questions you can email him on Alfie’s email alfie@alfiedog.me.uk and he’ll try to answer them for you.
In 2006 Alfie rather proved one of the points Mum is making about my rabies vaccination. You see if my blood test doesn’t show enough antibodies against rabies, then I’d have to have another one and that’s exactly what happened to Alfie.
Rabies Titre Test
Once again my little bag is packed for going away. Although it isn’t for very long I am really not happy to have to be away from home on my birthday. I know it was never the intention of my mistress for me to be apart from her on my birthday, and I realise it isn’t her fault that my first rabies jab didn’t work but all the same you would have thought she could have changed her plans to fit round me. What is the world coming to when a puppy can’t spend his first birthday cuddled up to the people he loves most? I was banking on being able to get away with getting into bed with them on my birthday, that’s that plan spoilt.
I did look at using what Alfie wrote in 2008 but Ari has asked if he can use it on Sunday and you’ll see why when he does. Instead let’s look at what Shadow was getting up to in 2009 when she was still a puppy.
Chewing Books
Shadow is in a strata lower than the dog-house. Until now she has only eaten books and brochures that didn’t matter, this time she has gone too far. I’m guessing she was hungry and probably frustrated that she couldn’t cook anything for herself. She resorted to eating one of my Mistress’s cookery books. To say that my Mistress was unhappy with this turn of events would be putting it mildly. She is now looking at how the whole kitchen can be replanned in order for the cookery books to be put on a higher shelf. Unfortunately, the only options seem to be to move the glasses to a lower shelf and she isn’t thinking that’s such a bright idea either. You can just see it now, Shadow pulling all the glasses off in an attempt to reach the higher level books.
That’s all I can fit in today. Have a lovely day
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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