Home again – Saturday 27th October 2018

Home again

Well we’re home again. I know that Mum has never properly lived here, but she still feels as though it’s home. The point of the drive that we started to see the mountains we both started to smile. It’s such a beautiful place. We did the usual stop at the supermarket on the way to the house. I stayed in the car and Mum went to buy some food. She bought some flowers for Dad to give to her to, so she wouldn’t be disappointed. Then we drove the last couple of miles home. Oh it was so good to get out and immediately resume the chase of next door’s cats. Mum wasn’t pleased that that was my first thought. I think she was rather hoping I was planning to help. No chance!

First walk

When Dad came home I went bonkers with delight at seeing him. I was just so happy. To be fair he was fairly happy too. Not so happy that he shared his steak with me, but fairly happy. Mum did share her steak with me, but then she always does. We went for a lovely walk while it was still bright and sunny. We went round the block we live on and took in the view overlooking the lake. It was great to bark at the local dogs and see what was new. The main thing that was new was a Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy who was none too thrilled to have someone walk past her house. I think she’s going to be trouble.


Now I don’t like to suggest that Dad works to different standards than Mum, but they do seem to have different ideas of what it means to do the cleaning. I’m not naming names, but one thinks if it can’t be vacuumed then it doesn’t need cleaning and one of them has another view. Anyway, a certain amount of enlightenment took place and it’s quite possible that before today is out both of them will be happy. You should have seen the smoke that came out of the cooker when Dad turned the grill on for the steak!



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