Just amazing – Monday 30th July 2018

Just amazing

Everything here is just amazing. We did go up our mountain yesterday morning after all. It was a lovely surprise. Mama got in touch to see if I wanted to meet up with her and my sister Valeria. We ended up doing a lovely long walk, partly through the woods so it wasn’t too hot and sunny. Shadow and Dad came too, so there were four of us dogs. We took Dad to another viewpoint that he hadn’t been to before to show him all across the mountains. It was great, but by the time we got back we all needed a drink and a nap.

New bed

Napping is fun in our new bed. There’s room for both of us and it really is very comfortable. It fits by the side of the bed where Mum and Dad are on Mum’s side so we stay close to her if she needs us in the night. Shadow and I are still getting used to which way round we want to sleep so we don’t get in each other’s way, but we really do like it and don’t mind sharing at all.

Very hot

It’s been very hot here again today. It’s actually forecast to be hot all week, so walking is early or late and not in the middle of the day. We spent the middle of the day mooching around the house with Mum and Dad. They were catching up on a few boring things that humans talk about, but we kept an eye on them as we dozed. Then in the evening we went for a walk by the lake. Oh it was so exciting. We found the footpath that Mum took Alfie on when he was a young puppy and came out here. It goes round the back of the lake and has conservation areas both sides. We saw loads of birds, dragon flies and butterflies. I can’t wait to see Alfie and tell him all about it. I just wish he could have been here too.



Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

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