The key to the door
My little puppy has got the key to the door. I don’t mean literally, I mean it’s her third birthday and that makes her twenty-one in human terms. I guess the saying that she’s got the key to the door is about it indicating that she is now a fully fledged adult. There’s just one small problem, no one seems to have told Wilma she’s an adult. I think that goes with being the youngest. Ari didn’t bother growing up until he knew another puppy was joining the family, so maybe Wilma will just stay a puppy until we have another pup in the household. Anyway, have a very happy birthday Wilma and of course your brothers and sisters too. We all love you very much and are very pleased you came to be our puppy.
Our Mistress had the crazy idea that she’d like us all to sit nicely for a family photo for Wilma’s birthday. You wouldn’t believe how hard something like that is to achieve. I think the whole neighbourhood heard about it.
My sister
I had a lovely email from my sister Esther yesterday. She’s doing well although a lot greyer than I’ve gone. To be honest she really does look very dignified in her old age. It was good to hear she was still enjoying life too. She has a younger companion at home too, I do think it helps to keep us young.
It’s swimming day today and Shadow is very excited. She is going to start swimming regularly now too and today is her first session. Our Mistress wasn’t sure whether she would be going but has decided that it will do Shadow good which has really made Shadow’s day. It’s going to be quite fun having an oldies outing to the swimming pool each week. Ari is fed up that he’s not included, but he is doing well right now so is in less need. He’ll go instead of one of us some weeks.
Have a good day
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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Happy Birthday to Wilma. Hope she has a lovely day. Hope you all have a lovely day. xxxx
Thank you. It has started well.
Love Wilma
Hi Wilma, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! have a great day. I go out for my walks really early as it is so hot later so I will soon be off to see my mates at the fields. Dilys has not been well for a few days but our Vet has sorted her out. Its her tummy problems again. I think we will all feel better when the weather is cooler. Love to you all Dickens XXXXX
Thank you. It is lovely and cool here at the moment too. It would be nice if it stayed like that but I think it’s going to get hot here too.