Home again
We’re home again and just can’t wait to see the boys in an hour or two. Shadow says she is very tired from travelling but is doing ok. She’s off to the vet this morning so they can check on progress. Some of the signs are very good so we’re optimistic.
Shadow slept in with me and Mum last night. It wasn’t just because Mum wants to keep an eye on her, but because we’ve got so used to snuggling up at night it would have been really weird to be apart.
Pet Check In
We did have one small incident on the way home. When we checked in at the Eurotunnel Pet Check in, it really wasn’t my fault. I cannot be blamed if I get over excited because the pet in front of me is a cat. It wasn’t a cat in a basket, but one sitting there brazenly on the floor in front of me wearing a harness and lead. I did not matter how much I barked and lunged in her direction, the cat remained perfectly calm and sat quite unperturbed. It’s funny, it’s the first time Mum has been asked if she would like to put us back in the car as soon as our chips had been checked and while the lady at the desk did our other paperwork. Mum seemed quite relieved. I really can’t think why!
Taking a break
Mum says I need to hand the diary back to the others now for a few days. I don’t really want to as I rather like writing it, but I guess it is Alfie’s really. I’m sure Ari will want to tell you what they’ve been up to too. I don’t actually need a rest. I never need a rest. Mum says I’m like the Duracell Bunny but I’ve not seen it so I don’t really know what she means. I’ll be back next week when my travels start again. See you then.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
All site content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission.
Hi Wilma, thank you for all the news and lovely photos you have sent while you have been on your holiday. Hope the boys are OK. I guess it will be very noisy in your house when you all meet up later. Fingers crossed your Vet will pleased with Shadow and she will soon be A1 again. Love Dickens X
Thank you, Dickens. Yes we can make a lot of noise when we get excited. I don’t know how it happens really.