Shadow is ill
Oh dear, poor Shadow is ill again. She just doesn’t seem to be getting over this bout of pancreatitis very well. Mum has been doing some research and thinks she might be best to change Shadow’s food onto something completely different and not a dry food anymore. It makes it easier when we all eat much the same thing and particularly with travelling, dry food does make life simple. Mum went to get her some special food from the vet to try to help things settle down, but Shadow is feeling very sorry for herself. You should hear her tummy! We laughed with our vet before we came away that she didn’t need a stethoscope to listen to it. Well yesterday we’re surprised you didn’t hear it from England! Gurgle is just not a strong enough word. She spent all day sitting as close to Mum as she could get.
I on the other paw am in great health and had a simply lovely time having a walk with my Mama and sister Valeria yesterday morning. Valeria and I ran like crazy. We’d gone first thing in the morning so it was nice and cool, although to be fair it wasn’t really a hot day so that was less of a problem. I’m seeing them again on Thursday which I’m really looking forward to.
Thursday will be awesome as all being well, Mama and Valeria will be meeting Salvo and Izzy too as they are coming to stay. Then Sunday I’m seeing another friend called Berry. Berry’s brother lives in the UK so it will be great to take news from her back to her brother.
You aren’t going to believe this, but the furniture building is finished. The last pieces were put together yesterday. When I say last pieces, there do seem to be a few left over, but I think Mum is just going to hide those and pretend they don’t exist. We still have some pictures to put up, but then home really will be just that. Mum is really happy about it and says we have to start on the gardening now. That’s not so bad as it means lots of time outdoors.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
All site content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission.
Hello Wilma, sorry to hear my Mum is poorly again. I hope she gets better on the new food. Please send my love to her. I loved the video of you running. I wanted to join in.
We have the fencing men here so I have been very lucky and had lots of extra walks to keep me out of the way – I wonder why?!!!!! We are enjoying your holiday diary, it sounds a if you are having great fun. We will be cheering England on at the football tonight. Lots of love Dickens and all the family. XXXXX
Thank you. She says she is a little better today, but Mum says clearing up after her is not fun! I’m off for a walk up the mountain. Mum has vertigo this morning so she is better outdoors than in front of a computer – I win. Of course I am sympathetic too.
Sorry to hear Shadow is not well. I hope she is feeling better soon. Love hearing all about your holiday adventures. Keep enjoying. xxx
Thank you. I just love it here.