Wilma had the right idea yesterday. She took her armadillo cuddly toy over to the fire, put it down just in front of the fire and then lay down using it as a pillow. It was such a shame I didn’t have my camera to paw as she really looked very cute. It wasn’t so much that it was a particularly cold day, it was just one of those very dull winter days we get in England where you really wonder if there’s any point in getting up at all. It’s easy to see why people put up lots of lights around this time of year as it does brighten up a dull day.
We have all been a bit barky recently. I blame our Mistress. She will insist on ordering all her Christmas presents to be delivered to the house. If only she would just go shopping like a normal human we wouldn’t have to put up with the doorbell ringing all the time. Not a day goes by at the moment without multiple packages arriving. To be fair, yesterday was our dog food so I can’t really complain. Shadow is moving over to the same food I’m on. Apparently not only is it good if you’ve already got some degeneration going on in the brain but it can help to prevent that happening in a healthy older dog. Shadow quite happily points out that she’s still as rational as the next crazy dog and thinks it would be a good idea to stay that way. Our Mistress rather hopes that she won’t have the problems I’m having so is happy to do anything that might help. They did a little test with Shadow when she went swimming to see if she would turn in either direction and thankfully she will. Not like me. It’s one of the signs of Canine cognitive dysfunction that you will only turn one way and get quite disorientated if people try to make you go the other way. It’s weird, I can see that, but there’s nothing I can do about it. Shadow is fine which is good news. She’s just loopy in other ways but she’s always been that way!
Have a lovely Thursday
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