Tuesday 15th August 2017 – I should be there

I spoke to our Mistress earlier and it really isn’t fair. How can she go on a conference and spend time talking to people about my company and not take me with her. Is the company named after her? No, I don’t think it is. It’s named after me. It’s my name that appears everywhere not hers. Oh, it’s all very well her telling me that people have asked after me, but they could have done that in person, or more to the point in dog, if I had been there myself. Instead of which, I am spending my week with an over excited two-year –old! (Wilma, in case you hadn’t worked that out on your own!) She is counting the days off until she sees her aunt Megan. I haven’t the heart to tell her that Megan didn’t like me and was jealous of me. I haven’t mentioned the fact that it was my girlfriend who bit a chunk out of Megan’s ear either. Those were the days!


Talking of my girlfriend, I don’t think I told you that one of her puppies is staying to live with her. I do wish I could meet her and be a step-dad to her, she really does look lovely. She’s called Babeli, which was the name of one of the very early dogs of our breed in Switzerland. It really is such a beautiful name and I’m sure she will grow up to be as gorgeous as her mother. What is extra special is that she gets to grow up with our Mistress’s god-daughter and they will have such a lovely time together. They are already incredibly close and it’s simply beautiful to see them together. It take me back to when I was a puppy and Andrew was still only small. Although that also reminds me of the time I accidentally knocked him over and the time he cut his back on barbed wire coming under a fence after me – so maybe Babeli shouldn’t take too much advice from me!

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