We heard some very good news this week. Annie SwissDawn (Norfolkfields) is pregnant. It will be her second litter, so she knows what she’s doing. She had four puppies last time. We will have to wait a few weeks before we know how many she is going to have. It means there is an even better chance of us making it to the magic 100 dogs this year. Our Mistress is very excited about it. It seems like after a difficult year to eighteen months for the breed here, everything is now happening at once.
Dixie had her hip test back and her hips are good, so she’s pretty excited too. It’s the first one of her breeding health tests so we just hope all the other go well now too.
Aristotle says he had a lovely day yesterday. He went for a walk with Wilma, which he doesn’t do very often and spent the whole time gently barging into her to remind her he was there. He was so happy. He said he’d quite like to walk with her every day and it really cheered him up. It was funny, Wilma wasn’t as fussed about it. She didn’t object but she didn’t barge back.
It’s funny, we have all been in very cuddly moods recently too, even me. I think it’s the colder weather and wanting to snuggle up to get warm. Our Mistress has been calling Aristotle her ‘baby bear’ as he has been particularly cuddly. Wilma has learnt how to settle down quietly under the quilt cover with our Mistress so they can both get comfortable. Even Shadow has been affectionate, which is not so much like me. I have been enjoying being tucked in at night and our Mistress singing to me as I fall asleep. Her singing is not particularly good, even to a dog’s ear, but she’s my Mistress and I love to hear her voice and know she is singing just for me.
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