Oh the weather gods wreaked vengeance yesterday. I don’t know what we’d done to deserve it, but it did not make for a pleasant journey. Thankfully it was so cold that no one seemed to want to venture out so there wasn’t as much traffic as Mum had thought there would be. We dropped Sybil at her new home and left her to meet her housemates and then carried on home. Once we got home we found that the bird house feeder had blown off and broken one of the only remaining working solar lights and the summerhouse roof is only half fixed from what Mum did before we went away. One side is still leaking, but not as badly, which is I suppose something.
Mum has booked for me to go to the vet this morning about my sore eye. She thought it might be allergy, but as it’s still sore she says I need to have it looked at. She’s going to talk to the vet about when I can be operated on so I don’t have any more of these seasons. I’m really not enjoying this one so I shan’t be sorry at all. I just feel completely out of sorts. Much as I’m looking forward to seeing Alfie and Aristotle when we collect them from kennels this morning I just don’t want to be around boys right now. I hope they won’t mind too much if I go off and find a quiet corner. I have all my travel reports to write up anyway, so I shall be quite busy.
I was really sorry that Dad wasn’t home to see me when I got there but he has had to go away for work for a couple of days and we missed him by about twenty minutes. He will be home tomorrow night, so I will have to save bouncing on him until then.
Love Wilma
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