Monday 3rd October 2016 – I am not a Diva!

Feeling sad about Horsie

I would just like to point out, after Aristotle’s comments yesterday, that I am not a diva! I like having my photo taken as any dog would, but that doesn’t mean I’m anything more than little old me. Mum was saying that whilst I’m photogenic I haven’t quite got to the point Megan did yet. She would pose for the camera in whatever position our Mistress asked her and stay there. Alfie would too when he was younger and not quite so cantankerous. Mum says that if I learn to do that, then she’ll have a photo shoot with me one day as she did with Alfie. I’m definitely willing to learn!

I’m sure you will be pleased to know that at last Alfie’s leg seems to be healing. The open wound on his leg is getting smaller and the bit that is left open is looking much better. Mum says that as long as he continues doing as well as he is now she’s hoping he’ll be able to stop wearing the cone by the end of the week. That would really make us happy as it means we can all go back to our usual beds and she won’t have to keep us apart the rest of the time anymore. We’re all excited about that, particularly Aristotle who has had to be the most patient through the whole process.

At long last I shall be back to my training classes from tonight. I’ve got my bronze exam next week so Mum has said I need to work hard. I think she has to work hard too in order for us to get back to where we were. We’ve both taken it a bit easy on the training front in the last few weeks. It should all come back quickly I hope.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Lovely photo Wilma. So glad to hear Alfie’s leg is healing. Good luck in your broze exam next week. A happy tail waggy day to you all. xx

    • Thank you. Mum says I scrub up quite well. She’s hoping people look at me and don’t really notice her.

    • That’s exactly it. I’m always trying to help. When I put muddy paw prints on Gary I was really just trying to help!

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