Friday 17th June 2016 – A Sad Dog

Wilma and Alfie

Wilma came back from her dog training on Wednesday and admitted how sad she was feeling. Before her class, she and our Mistress went for a walk around the park that is nearby and Wilma saw so many dogs playing and wanted to go to join in. She said she was really missing the social side of being in kennels and much as she loves our Mistress, she does like meeting other dogs too. Our Mistress tried to cheer her up by reminding her that it’s Fun Day tomorrow and she’ll see lots of other Entlebuchers. Wilma says she is excited about that, but she loves the variety of meeting different breeds and sizes of dog. The rest of us don’t particularly get it as we aren’t as sociable, but our Mistress says she’s going to try to see if they can go to more different places so Wilma can meet other dogs too. Living where we do we can go for walks for days without even seeing another dog.

On a brighter note, she is pleased to find her best friend from puppy school, Jas the Airedale, is going to be in her class again. Jas wasn’t part of this week but our Mistress says she will try to call Jas’s human and see if they can arrange to get there at least 10 minutes early and have a little play together before class.

It may not surprise you that in the actual lessons Wilma really did quite well and our Mistress has said as long as she practices hard there is no reason she shouldn’t pass with flying colours. Her only real fault is a tendency to get bored and then have a little bark. Our Mistress has devised lots of little training games to play with her to keep her concentration going. Wilma thinks they are pretty cool as it means she gets lots more biscuits.

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  1. Good Luck with your classes Wilma. I like get bored at mine sometimes too. Just a little note, when I did my test we were not allowed any treats until we had finished. It is very hard knowing you do not get an instant reward for good work. I like meeting lots of dogs too so really enjoy my walks at the playing fields. Have a lovely time at the fun day. Let me know all about it. Love Dickens XXXXX

    • Oh dear Dickens, I love getting treats. That would be really hard. I wish you were coming to Fun Day tomorrow, we could have a nice play together.

  2. Hey, my dear Wilma-daughter, have lots of fun tomorrow! Actually I am with Maja and Fritz, because Mum and Dad are going to Germany with your half-sister Valeria. There’s a handsome and modest boy in Berlin, Charlie, who is her designated bridegroom. In the menatime me and Auntie Käthi will enjoy being with Maja and Fritz, their dogs Whoopy, Beija and your other half-sister Tosca, the two puppies Bina and Bendix, the cats and the geese. Please try hard and be a good scholar, even without getting treats any time. You are still young but I tell you: too many treats are not good for your slim figure. I was very good at training in the classes, learn a lesson from me. God bless, Wilma dear!

    • Oh Mama, I do hope Valeria gets on well with Charlie. It sounds as though you and Käthi will be having a lot of fun. Will you see Salvo when he is there too? I do know I have to work without treats, but they are the lovely malt and vanilla ones we bought in Switzerland and they really are very nice. Mum weighs me often to make sure I don’t start putting weight on. When I go to watch Alfie or Ari swimming I always get on the scales. Alfie has lost a kilogram so he is feeling very pleased with himself – and a little hungry!
      Love from
      your devoted daughter

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