Wednesday 31st August 2011 – Winter is approaching

You can tell that winter is on the way by the fact that we are having the chimneys swept today. The boys were fascinated. I did suggest that Andy was about the right size to go up and do it for us and he could have earned some extra pocket money, but my Mistress explained that that became unacceptable quite a few years ago. Of course the minute the chimney sweep lady had gone the boys wanted to light the fire. Who was I to argue? It hasn’t been that warm and I’m rarely averse to lying in front of a fire.

We have a couple of weeks of normal work before the puppies arrive. After that it isn’t going to be normal for a very long time. Megan and I have been saying that we think my Mistress should set plenty of time aside to spend with us now so that we don’t have to feel left out when she focuses on Shadow. Of course we will still feel left out but at the very least it might get us some extra time now. One of my Mistress’s birthday presents was a special arm thing that throws a tennis ball further. We were having great fun chasing the ball in the garden and bringing it back. Ok, Megan was having a great game bringing it back, I might have chewed the ball ever so slightly so that it is now a very odd shape. It really doesn’t roll or bounce very straight anymore but it’s still a great game and my Mistress has promised to get some more balls so we can keep playing. We need a large pile of old tennis balls that are past their best for tennis. Maybe we should talk to the local tennis club and buy their cast offs.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –