What was I thinking? There was me being frivolous yesterday and Shadow was going through her tests. I really should have been thinking about her and sending good wishes. I haven’t heard how she has got on yet and may not know until everyone comes home, but I do hope she has passed. I know she is going to be inconsolable if she is told she can’t have puppies. She is such a loving and caring dog and always take care of Megan and me if there is anything wrong. She tries to take care of all the humans in the house too, whether it is a bashed knee or a cut finger. She is always there to clean it up and make sure they are ok. I’m looking forward to hearing the pitter patter of tiny paws too. It will help to make up for the fact that I can’t be a father myself. Although to be fair, my Mistress has gently warned me it doesn’t always work out that way and they may not see me in the way they would their biological father. I can dream. They might remember me on Father’s Day, but I’ll try not to be disappointed if they don’t.
It’s funny thinking that we’ve been living in this house for over a year now. In some way it seems a lot longer than that. In other ways it doesn’t seem five minutes since I was still able to sniff round the builders on a daily basis. There are days when I miss having them around. They were good fun and I used to get quite a lot of fuss and stroking, in addition to my normal rations. I wonder whether there is a dog where they are working now and whether he appreciates them as I did.